How To Make An Ar-15 Binary Trigger: A DIY Guide

The AR-15 rifle has become an iconic symbol of modern day marksmanship and defense, with its precision and accuracy unparalleled by any other gun. Now, you can take it to the next level with a binary trigger: the ultimate in firing control.

It’s like your AR-15 just got superhuman powers! In this article, we’ll show you how to make your own AR-15 binary trigger at home – no fancy tools or expensive parts required. You don’t have to be a gunsmith – anyone can do it. So if you’re looking for a way to unlock the full potential of your AR-15, read on and see how easy it is to make an AR-15 binary trigger.

Gather Materials And Tools Needed

You’ve heard about binary triggers, but have you ever made one? It’s easier than it sounds! With the right tools and techniques, anyone can make their own AR-15 binary trigger. Let’s take a look at how to get started.

First things first: You need the materials and tools. Gather together all the necessary components before you begin. Make sure you have everything on hand so you won’t be left searching for something in the middle of your project. Once you’re ready, it’s time to move on to the next step.

Now that you have all the supplies necessary, it’s time to start working on assembling your binary trigger. But before you can do that, you must disassemble and remove your stock trigger group from your rifle. This is an important step, as it will ensure that everything fits correctly when reassembled. So don’t forget this step! With that taken care of, now you can start putting together your new binary trigger.

Disassemble And Remove Stock Trigger Group

Little did we know that making an AR-15 binary trigger would be so complicated. After all, we are only taking apart the stock trigger group and replacing it with a binary trigger group – what could be so hard? Well, as it turns out, there’s more to this than meets the eye.

Let’s dive in and tackle the second step: disassembling and removing the stock trigger group. This can be a tricky process for the novice shooter, but with some patience and attention to detail it is possible to accomplish. Here are a few tips to make sure you succeed:

  • Wear safety glasses while working on your rifle 
  • Have extra parts on hand if you’re swapping out components 
  • Follow instructions carefully and take your time

With these in mind, let’s break down how to remove the stock trigger group. First of all, ensure that your rifle is unloaded and pointed in a safe direction. Then separate the upper receiver from the lower receiver by pushing out two pins located on either side of the gun. When these are removed, you can gently pull back on both receivers until they separate completely. Once they are separated, you will be able to access the trigger group within the lower receiver assembly which can then be removed from its housing with a screwdriver or similar tool.

Now that we understand how to remove our stock trigger group from our AR-15 let’s move on to installing our new binary trigger group…

Install The Binary Trigger Group

The binary trigger group provides a unique experience for any AR-15. While stock trigger groups can be satisfying, there is nothing like the feeling of a binary trigger. With that being said, installing the binary trigger group is not a job to take lightly.

Installing the binary trigger group requires precision and patience. Before plunging into this task, it’s important to get all of the necessary tools and parts ready beforehand. Assemble all of the parts in an organized fashion so there’s no confusion during installation.

Once everything is ready to go, carefully insert the binary trigger group into the gun frame and secure it with screws. Make sure every screw is tightened properly; any loose screws can result in a malfunctioning or dangerous weapon. When finished, ensure that all components are aligned correctly before testing out the new setup.

The next step is to replace the trigger pin and hammer, another critical part of ensuring an effective firearm.

Replace The Trigger Pin And Hammer

Replace the trigger pin and hammer. The trigger pin holds the trigger in place, and the hammer is pushed back by the sear to cause it to fire. Both need to be replaced in order for your binary trigger group to function properly.

To do this, use a punch and hammer to remove the old components. It’s important not to damage any of the other parts while doing this, or else they’ll need replacing too. Once you have removed them, slide in your new replacements. Make sure they are secure, as any movement could prevent the binary trigger from working correctly.

Test out your new setup by cycling through a few rounds manually. If everything is functioning properly, you’re ready for the next step.

Reassemble Lower Receiver Components

Now that all the components of the lower receiver of the AR-15 have been removed, it’s time to reassemble them. Start by making sure all parts are in good condition and that they fit correctly together.

It’s important to remember that even a small misalignment can affect how well the gun functions. So take your time when putting it back together and check every step along the way. Make sure pins and springs are properly installed, as well as any other parts of the receiver that were taken apart.

Once everything is back in place, now you’re ready for the binary trigger housing installation. To ensure safety, double check each step to make sure everything is properly installed and functioning correctly before using your firearm.

TIP: Reassembling your lower receiver should be done with precision and care; don’t rush it! If you find yourself having difficulty, ask a knowledgeable friend or professional for help if needed.

Install The Binary Trigger Housing

Finally, the moment of truth has arrived. You’ve diligently worked your way through each step in the process to build your AR-15 and binary trigger. Now is the time to experience the fruits of your labor! With bated breath, here’s how you can complete the sixth and final step: installing the binary trigger housing.

  1. Begin by attaching the trigger housing pin, using a hammer and punch if necessary. 
  2. Next, insert the disconnector into its slot on the front side of the receiver. 
  3. Then, ensure that both sides of the safety selector are moved to their respective positions – one side should be “fire” while the other side should be “safe”. 
  4. Finally, attach both sides of the binary trigger housing using screws or pins according to what type you have.

It’s now time to reset your hammer spring and make sure everything is working correctly before you take it out for a test run! All that remains is to marvel at your skillful craftsmanship as you prepare for a successful firing sequence with your brand-new AR-15 binary trigger setup.

Reset The Hammer Spring

Preparing the proper parts, positioning them precisely, and properly putting them together is paramount when resetting the hammer spring. To reset the hammer spring on an AR-15 binary trigger, follows these steps.

First, start by unscrewing the two pins that hold the disconnector in place. Once loosened, carefully remove it from the housing. Secondly, use a small screwdriver or punch to remove the hammer pin and then pull out the hammer. Thirdly, take compressed air and blow out any dust or debris that may be inside of the housing before reinserting the hammer and pin. After that is complete, press down on the trigger face to make sure it is engaging correctly with the sear.

Finally, reinsert the disconnector into its original position and then reset both pins back into their slots so they are flush with one another. With all components back in place and functioning correctly, your AR-15 binary trigger is ready for action! The next step is to adjust the trigger pull weight for optimal performance.

Adjust The Trigger Pull Weight

Adjusting the trigger pull weight of an AR-15 is no small feat! It’s a critical step in the process of creating a binary trigger, and one that can make or break your ultimate rifle performance. After painstakingly putting together all of the parts just right, this final adjustment requires a steady hand and precise knowledge.

The first part of adjusting the trigger pull weight is to set it to the desired amount by tightening or loosening the screws on the trigger assembly. This should be done with care – one wrong move and you could mess up your whole build! Once you’ve done that, test for smoothness by pulling the trigger several times with your finger. If there are any hiccups or snags, then that means further adjustments need to be made until it feels just right.

Finally, when everything is adjusted correctly, you have achieved success! With a successful trigger pull weight adjustment complete, you can now move onto the next steps of ensuring proper safety and function checks on your AR-15 binary trigger build.

Perform A Safety And Function Check

Before you fire your AR-15 with a binary trigger, it’s important to do a safety and function check. While it may seem tedious, this step is essential in ensuring that you have assembled the weapon correctly and that it will operate properly when fired.

To begin, here are three key steps for conducting your safety and function check: 

  • Check the firing pin for proper alignment with the hammer 
  • Inspect all components of the lower receiver for proper installation 
  • Ensure no parts are loose or missing

Doing this check gives you peace of mind when shooting. You want to make sure your rifle is safe before you take it out on the range. It’s also a great way to become familiar with different parts of your firearm and gain a better understanding of how they work together.

You’ve now reached the end of this section. As you move on to troubleshoot common issues, remember that following these instructions carefully can help you confidently use your AR-15 binary trigger without any problems.

Troubleshoot Common Issues

The task of installing an AR-15 binary trigger can be daunting, but the rewards are worth it. You’ve gotten through nine steps, now it’s time to troubleshoot common issues that may arise with this kind of installation. Here’s what you should know:

  • The first step is to ensure that all components used in the installation are compatible with each other. Check the manufacturer’s website and make sure they all fit together correctly. 
  • Make sure that none of the parts have been damaged or altered in any way while being installed. This could cause a malfunction during operation. 
  • Test fire your AR-15 binary trigger to make sure it functions properly. If there is a problem, go back and check each part for imperfections or damage before replacing anything.

If you take these steps and follow them carefully, you can avoid any issues with your AR-15 binary trigger installation. Pay attention to detail and double-check every component before putting them together – if something doesn’t look right, don’t use it! As long as you take your time and do your research, you should have no problems getting your AR-15 binary trigger up and running without any hiccups along the way.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Safety Precautions Should Be Taken When Assembling An Ar-15 Binary Trigger?

Are you ready to build an AR-15 binary trigger? Before beginning, it’s important to understand the safety precautions that should be taken. How can you ensure your project is completed safely and correctly?

First, make sure to read the instruction manual carefully. Most binary triggers come with a detailed guide that explains each step of assembly. Pay attention to all warnings, including those concerning the use of power tools and other hazardous equipment. Wear safety gear such as eye protection and gloves at all times while working on the trigger.

Next, double check all parts before assembly. Make sure they are compatible with your specific rifle model and that they are in good condition. If any parts appear worn or damaged, do not attempt to assemble them yourself; take them to a qualified gunsmith for inspection instead. Also, make sure to properly lubricate each part as directed during the assembly process. This will help prevent jamming and other problems down the line.

Finally, remember that assembling an AR-15 binary trigger can be dangerous if done incorrectly or without proper safety measures in place. Take your time, follow directions closely, and never rush through the process – one mistake can have devastating consequences!

How Much Does A Binary Trigger Typically Cost?

Price and performance are paramount when considering a binary trigger for an AR-15. But how much will it cost? It’s important to understand the range of prices, so you can make an informed decision.

When shopping for a binary trigger, expect to pay anywhere from $200-$500. The cost largely depends on the brand and features you select. Some triggers come with accessory kits that increase their price, while others offer simple designs with more affordable pricing.

It’s also important to remember that quality matters when choosing a binary trigger. Low-cost models may provide fewer features or lack reliability – but investing in a higher quality model could be worth it if you plan on using your rifle regularly.

TIP: Consider your budget and intended use when selecting a binary trigger for your AR-15. Quality components are essential for reliable performance over time – so don’t skimp on these critical parts!

Is It Legal To Own An Ar-15 Binary Trigger In My State?

Owning an AR-15 binary trigger is a popular upgrade for gun enthusiasts. But before you make the purchase, it’s important to know if it’s legal in your state. Laws vary widely from state to state; what may be legal in one place could be prohibited in another.

To find out if owning an AR-15 binary trigger is allowed where you live, check with your state or local government. You can contact the attorney general’s office or search online for information about gun laws in your area. Pay special attention to any restrictions on specific types of weapons and modifications since they can change quickly and may differ depending on where you live.

It’s also wise to contact a firearms dealer or lawyer who is well-versed in gun laws to ensure that any firearm you own complies with local regulations. They’ll have the most up-to-date information and can advise you on the specifics of owning a binary trigger for your AR-15 in your state. Taking these steps will help ensure that you stay within the law while enjoying your hobby safely and responsibly.

What Is The Difference Between A Binary Trigger And A Standard Trigger?

A trigger is a small lever that, when pulled, releases the energy stored in a firearm to fire a bullet. It is a crucial part of any gun, and for many gun owners it can be the deciding factor between life and death.

The binary trigger is an advanced version of the standard trigger, adding an additional switch which enables full-auto firing capabilities. Its mechanism works like this: when the trigger is pulled, it activates both the hammer and the second switch simultaneously. This allows for rapid firing with one pull of the trigger, as opposed to having to pull it back each time.

Symbolically speaking, owning a binary trigger can represent freedom and power: freedom from being limited to one round per pull of the trigger and power over any potential threat or situation you may face. With its highly precise firing rate, anyone carrying an AR-15 with a binary trigger can feel confident in their ability to protect themselves or others if necessary.

In short, the difference between a binary trigger and standard triggers lies in their mechanisms – one offers rapid fire capabilities while the other does not. The former is more expensive than its counterpart but provides superior accuracy and control over any situation at hand. Ultimately, whether someone chooses to own a binary trigger depends upon their individual preference as well as legal restrictions in their area.

Does A Binary Trigger Require Any Special Maintenance?

According to a recent survey, more than 50% of gun owners in the United States own at least one AR-15 rifle. But when it comes to binary triggers, fewer people are familiar with them. So, does a binary trigger require any special maintenance?

The answer is yes. Binary triggers need to be regularly cleaned and lubricated using the same methods as for regular triggers. You should also make sure the safety selector switch and magazine catch operate properly before use. If you don’t clean and lubricate the trigger, it may not fire when you pull it or even fail to reset after firing.

In addition, you should pay attention to the screws that hold your binary trigger together as they can work loose over time due to vibrations from shooting. Make sure to check these periodically and tighten them if needed. Finally, always ensure that your AR-15’s buffer spring isn’t too weak or worn out as this can affect the performance of your binary trigger too.

Taking proper care of your binary trigger is essential for ensuring safe operation of your AR-15 rifle and reliable performance in any shooting scenario. Doing so will help you get the most out of this unique piece of equipment and keep it functioning properly for years to come.


I have gone through all the information you need to know before making an AR-15 binary trigger. Now, it’s time to assemble your binary trigger. But remember– safety is always the top priority. Take all necessary precautions and follow instructions carefully. Double check every step of the process to ensure that your rifle will be safe to use.

Once you have assembled your binary trigger, you can enjoy the enhanced shooting experience that it offers. It brings a level of precision and control that you won’t find with a standard trigger. Plus, it doesn’t require any special maintenance beyond what you would typically need for a rifle.

Now that I’ve provided all the information you need on how to make an AR-15 binary trigger, there’s nothing left to do but get started! With a little bit of patience and following the steps outlined here, you’ll soon be able to enjoy this improved weapon system in no time at all. So go ahead– get building!

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